Air freshener

Salona atsvaidzinātājs

Code: A83132

Car air freshener AROMA CAR LEAF 3D -Fresh Linen

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Available in stock:
7 pcs.

Price: 3.00 €

* VAT included

Additional information about product

Air freshener AROMA CAR LEAF 3D - Fresh Linen.
Installed on the grille of the car's air conditioner, it will provide a very fresh and original scent.
The fragrance carrier is a polymeric material impregnated with 100% fragrance oil without the addition of other substances, capable of absorbing a large dose at a time and, thanks to an improved processing method, retaining it in its structure for a long time.
The polymer is safe to use, 'dry' to the touch, slowly evaporates aromatic oils.

Additional information
Weight: 0.0300