Car mats rubber

Paklāji salonā gumijas MAZDA 6

Code: RPGH863

Rubber car mats

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Product may differ from image shown. The picture can be displayed with the details, which are not part of delivery.

Available in stock:
0 pcs.

Price: 35.00 €

* VAT included

Additional information about product

Brand Model Year Specification
MAZDA 6 2012- GJ. Sedan

Geyer & Hosaja producer of premium rubber car mats
Car mats are safe for human health (do not contain any harmful substances, PAH and metals, have hygienic Certificate HK/B/1319/01/2012)
Premium design and quality (ISO TS 16949:2009, ISO 9001:2008)
Precise details
Perfect custom fit
Anti-movement system
Optimal edges
Custom fixing system
Non-penetrating hanging system

Additional information
Weight: 3.0000