Protection bars

Aizsargstienis VW CADDY

Code: 840042

Front bar VW Caddy 2021-

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Available in stock:
0 pcs.

Price: 552.00 €

* VAT included

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Additional information about product

Brand Model Year Specification
VW CADDY 2021- -

Bar 840042 for VW Caddy 2021-
The product does not have an approval within the meaning of the EC78 / 2009 law, but they comply with the UNECE law, external components of R26 M1 and N1 vehicles.
Weight -15 kg.
Material - AISI304.
Pipe diameter - 60 mm.
Installation time is 45 minutes.
Compatible with radar.
Not compatible with parking sensorsю
-мaybe position 888460 is required to disable the front parking sensors.
Compatible with towing unit.

Additional information
Weight: 15.0000
Diameter: 60