
Aizsargstienis MITSUBISHI L 200

Code: L200-L1970-07

EC low spoiler bar with axle-bar - Mitsubishi L200 (2019 -)

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0 pcs.

Price: 545.00 €

* VAT included

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Additional information about product

Brand Model Year Specification
MITSUBISHI L 200 2019- -

Code L200-L1970-07.
Front bar with grill type protection for MITSUBISHI L 200.
The arc has been designed in accordance with the new EU standards and has successfully passed all certification tests.
Made of high quality stainless steel, hand polished.
- Pipe diameter: 70mm
- Wall thickness: 2 mm
- Weight: 12,2 kg
Includes mounting instructions and necessary mounting brackets.

Additional information
Weight: 12.2000