Lamp holder

Lamp holder MAN TGX

Code: 854691

Lamp holder

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Available in stock:
0 pcs.

Price: 604.00 €

* VAT included

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Additional information about product

Brand Model Year Specification
MAN TGX 2020- -

TGX 20 - TGX
| HIGH ROOF - 854691
Weight kg - 10.0.
material- AISI304
-60 mm
Surface treatment n polished.
Installation time-min- 45.
For trucks with an original sun visor!

The number of lighting points - 6 fixed holders.
cable for 6 lamps.
Maximum. the width of the lights is 250 mm.
Type of packaging Foam + plastic film
Weight kg 10.4
Size m3 0.188
width m 2.015
Height m 0.19
depth m 0.49

Additional information
Weight: 10.0000
Diameter: 60