Car body parts

Dubļu aizsargi (kompl.) VOLVO V 40

Code: 20000002101

Mud flaps 4 pcs in set Volvo V40

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Available in stock:
0 pcs.

Price: 58.00 €

* VAT included

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Additional information about product

Brand Model Year Specification
VOLVO V 40 2012-2019 -

The mud flaps effectively protect the underbody and bumpers against excessive dirt. In addition, they also enormously reduce dangerous road chippings and water spray.
Color: matte black.
Installation is made on regular seats of the car.
The main purpose: to protect the lower part of the car body from chipping, scratching.
With such model mud flaps on your car, you will get rid of such problems as:
- dirt on the bottom of the car,
- intense pollution of the side of the car, starting from the front wings,
- reduction of accumulated dirt or snow on the vehicle’s rapids.

Additional information
Weight: 1.0000