Synthetic high performance low ash motor oil. It is a fully synthetic engine oil with a reduced HTHS (High Temperature High Shear) viscosity index and excellent fuel economy properties. This high quality engine oil is specially formulated for use in the latest Volvo petrol and diesel engines to the VCC RBS0-2AE specification. Characteristics and properties • Very low HTHS viscosity index: Use this oil only in engines requiring SAE 0W-20 grade oil. • Excellent fuel economy characteristics. • Reliable protection against wear and high thermal stability even under severe operating conditions. • Improved fluidity and strength at low temperatures. • 'Low SAPS' technology: reduced sulfur, phosphorus and sulfated ash to ensure long-term performance of the exhaust gas aftertreatment system. • Improved washing and dispersing properties to improve engine cleanliness. Usage A fuel-efficient motor oil with extremely low HTHS viscosity and improved fuel economy properties is particularly recommended for engines requiring VOLVO VCC RBS0-2AE or ACEA C5 specification. It cannot be used for all engines, but only for those that require SAE 0W-20 grade oil with the specifications listed below. Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use. Specifications/Performance level • ACEA C5 • ACEA 2012: A1/B1 • Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
0 pcs.

Motor oil
Синтетическое топливосберегающее моторное масло для автомобилей с системой нейтрализации отработавших газов и без нее. Синтетическое моторное масло для современных бензиновых и дизельных двигателей легковых автомобилей. Это идеальное сочетание высокой производительности и защиты окружающей среды. Из-за ужесточения норм выбросов повысились требования производителей двигателей к маслам с очень низкой вязкостью — и в то же время к постоянным или улучшенным смазывающим свойствам. Этот продукт обеспечивает пониженные значения трения, что обеспечивает улучшенную экономию топлива. Состав «Low SAPS» помогает снизить выбросы загрязняющих веществ, одновременно защищая двигатель и дизельные сажевые фильтры (DPF). Синтетические базовые масла, используемые в этом продукте, вместе с высококачественными присадками обеспечивают чрезвычайно долгий срок службы и надежность.
Характеристики и свойства • Улучшает работу двигателя и снижает расход топлива и выбросы. • Отличное состояние для холодного пуска даже при очень низких температурах. • Надежная смазка в любых условиях гарантирует высокую защиту от износа. • Высокая защита от окисления и отложений благодаря новейшим технологиям присадок.
Использовать SAE 0W-20 — это специальное моторное масло, разработанное для современных высокопроизводительных автомобилей с низким уровнем выбросов и может использоваться как в SAE 0W-20, так и в SAE 5W-20. Это моторное масло особенно подходит для двигателей нового поколения ведущих японских производителей автомобилей (Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Mazda и др.). Перед использованием следуйте спецификациям и инструкциям производителя.
Технические характеристики/уровень производительности • ACEA C2 • API SN, SM/CF • FIAT 9.55535-DSX - уровень
0 pcs.

Transmisijas eļļa
Synthetic fluid for dual-clutch transmissions - with multifunctional technology Synthetic fluid for dual-clutch transmissions, with the use of the latest additives, specially designed for use in dual-clutch transmissions. The use of high-quality components guarantees the highest level of protection against wear combined with excellent functional properties and smooth gear changes in all operating conditions. Thanks to the latest multifunctional technology, this product can be used in many vehicles from different manufacturers.
Characteristics and properties • Multifunctional technology with extremely wide applications. • Smooth gearshifting and optimum vibration damping durability. • Very good low temperature properties as well as excellent heat dissipation at high operating temperatures. • Very good resistance to oxidation and thermal stability. • Excellent protection against wear and corrosion, excellent load absorption capacity
Use Synthetic fluid for dual-clutch transmissions that can be widely used in multi-manufacturer cars.
Not suitable for use in automatic transmissions and continuously variable transmissions. Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications / Performance level: • AUDI VW G 052 182, VW G 052 529 VW G 055 529 A2 • BMW 83 22 2 148 578, 83 22 2 148 579 83 22 0 440 214, 83 22 2 147 477 • Chrysler • Citroen 97343.S2 • Ford M2C 936A (XT-11 QDC), 6DCT 450-MPS6 • MB 236.21 • Mitsubishi MZ320065 DiaQueen SSTF-I • Nissan WSS-M2C-936-A (Ford) • Porsche Oil No. 999,917,080.00 • Peugeot 97343.S2 • Volvo 1161838, 1161839 VW (AUDI / SEAT / SKODA) • G 052 182, G 052 529, G 055 529 • TL 52 182, TL 52 529 • 6-speed DCT (DQ250), 7-speed DCT (DQ500)
0 pcs.

Transmisijas eļļa
Synthetic transmission oil for automatic transmissions - with multifunctional technology Synthetic transmission oil for automatic transmissions based on specially selected oils and additives, for use in modern automatic transmissions, especially in GM Group (Opel) cars. This product complies with the latest DEXRON-VI specifications and meets the requirements of DEXRON-II and DEXRON-III as it is fully top-down compatible.
Characteristics and properties • Long product life allows even longer oil change intervals than DEXRON-IIIH. • Improves the efficiency of new and old GM automatic transmissions. • Excellent oxidation and thermal stability prevents the formation of sludge and sediment. • Optimal performance and wear protection at all operating temperatures • Lower viscosity ensures optimum cold start and fuel economy • Optimal performance and smooth shifting throughout the life of the vehicle. Use General Motors for automatic transmissions according to DEXRON VI and previous specifications (DEXRON III and II) as they are fully top-down compatible.
NOT suitable for continuously variable transmissions and dual-clutch transmissions.
Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications: • DEXRON®-VI exceeds: DEXRON-II D and III • FORD MERCON® LV
0 pcs.

Transmisijas eļļa
Synthetic fluid for automatic transmissions - with multifunctional technology This product is made from the latest generation of ingredients and additives, thus guaranteeing excellent performance compared to other traditional fluids for automatic transmissions.
Multifunctional technology has been developed to service a wide variety of vehicles. It is suitable for most high-performance automatic transmissions and can also be used in older vehicles.
This fluid for automatic transmissions provides excellent productivity and the practical solutions needed for a complex market. As a result, costs and the risk of misuse can be reduced.
To meet the demands of modern transmissions, this product offers the latest friction modifier technology with additional improved anti-vibration properties. This guarantees easy and smooth switching over a long period of time.
Characteristics and properties • Multifunctional technology with extremely wide applications.
• Very high stability of friction values, even with extended oil change intervals.
• Excellent protection of the automatic transmission thanks to excellent protection against oxidation and wear
• Special resistance to offset.
• Smooth and smooth gear changes throughout operation.
• Best performance when starting a cold engine.
• Thanks to its innovative formula, it can also be used in many power steering systems.
Use Special multifunctional fluid for automatic transmissions, intended for use in automatic transmissions of cars and commercial vehicles. Suitable for extended oil change intervals, depending on the manufacturer's specifications. Thanks to a modern formula, this fluid for automatic transmissions can also be used in many power steering systems. NOT suitable for continuously variable transmissions and dual-clutch transmissions.
Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications: • GM DEXRON®-III H, III G, II D • FORD MERCON®, MERCON® V • ALLISON C-4 • JASO 1A M315 • MAN 339 L-1 • MAN 339 Z-1, Z-2, Z-11 • MAN 339 V-1, V-2 • MB 236.6 • VOLVO 97341, 97340 • VOITH H55.6336 (G 1363) • ZF TE-ML 04D, 14B, 16L, 16R, 20B, 25B
0 pcs.

Transmisijas eļļa
Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) Semi-synthetic fluid for automatic transmissions and power steering of cars and trucks. It is formulated with high quality base oils and special additives to ensure friction and shift performance requirements, especially for Dexron-III H and other manufacturers' specifications. Characteristics and properties • Excellent thermal and oxidation stability to prevent the formation of sludge and sediment. • Effective protection against wear and corrosion • very good low temperature flow for efficient cold start performance as well as reliable protection against high temperature degradation • Excellent friction and gear shifting properties.
Use For use in automotive, truck, bus automatic transmissions and power steering hydraulic fluids that require transmission fluid with the following characteristics. Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications • DEXRON® - III H • FORD MERCON® • LEVEL • ALLISON C-4 • MB 236.1, 236.5, 236.6, 236.7, 236.9, 236.10 • MAN 339 Typ Z-1, Type V-1 • ZF TE-ML 02F, 03D, 04D, 05L, 09, 11A, 11B, 14A, 14B, 16L, 17C, 21L • CATERPILLAR TO-2 • VOITH H55.6335, H55.6336 • VOLVO 97341, 97340
0 pcs.

High performance synthetic motor oil Fully synthetic engine oil with cold performance, manufactured using the latest technology, designed to meet the most extreme requirements of passenger car engines, designed for use in harsh conditions. Characteristics and properties • Special multifunctional features ensure efficient lubrication when starting the engine cold, as well as in the harshest operating conditions at high temperatures. • Provides optimal protection against wear and corrosion. • Excellent cleaning and dispersing properties prevent deposits from forming, thus guaranteeing engine cleanliness.
Use HELIOS Racing SAE 10W-60 is commonly used in the engines of sports cars and cars designed to work in severe and extreme conditions. Suitable for petrol and diesel engines with or without turbocharger. Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Performance level • ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4 • API SM, SL / CF
0 pcs.
Fully synthetic low-viscosity engine oil. Fully synthetic high-performance low-viscosity engine oil for use in modern gasoline and diesel engines, without diesel particulate filter (DPF). It meets the highest demands of modern car engines and it is manufactured with fully synthetic components in combination with modern additives. Properties and features • Excellent cold start properties and reduction of cold start wear thanks to a fast lubrication of the engine at low temperatures • Excellent properties both at high and low temperature, reliable lubrication and best possible wear protection under all conditions. • Special motor oil developed for high-performance vehicles. • Prevention against bore polishing and the formation of deposits thanks to his excellent cleaning and dispersant capacity Use High quality engine oil for gasoline and diesel engines without diesel particulate filter (DPF). It is specially suited for high-performance vehicles of the VW Group - such as Audi S3, Audi RS4, Audi TT and others (engines VR6 FSI, V8, V12 cylinders) – especially when an oil with the VW 503 01 is required. It may also be used in engines of other OEMs according to the specifications below Observe manufacturer’s specifications and instructions before use. Specifications & performance • ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4 • API SL, SJ / CF EC • MB 229.3 level • BMW LL-01 level • Audi (VW 503 01) level • VW 503 01, 502 00, 505 00 level
0 pcs.

Синтетическое топливосберегающее моторное масло для автомобилей с системой нейтрализации отработавших газов и без нее. Синтетическое моторное масло для современных бензиновых и дизельных двигателей легковых автомобилей. Это идеальное сочетание высокой производительности и защиты окружающей среды. Из-за ужесточения норм выбросов повысились требования производителей двигателей к маслам с очень низкой вязкостью — и в то же время к постоянным или улучшенным смазывающим свойствам. Этот продукт обеспечивает пониженные значения трения, что обеспечивает улучшенную экономию топлива. Состав «Low SAPS» помогает снизить выбросы загрязняющих веществ, одновременно защищая двигатель и дизельные сажевые фильтры (DPF). Синтетические базовые масла, используемые в этом продукте, вместе с высококачественными присадками обеспечивают чрезвычайно долгий срок службы и надежность.
Характеристики и свойства • Улучшает работу двигателя и снижает расход топлива и выбросы. • Отличное состояние для холодного пуска даже при очень низких температурах. • Надежная смазка в любых условиях гарантирует высокую защиту от износа. • Высокая защита от окисления и отложений благодаря новейшим технологиям присадок.
Использовать SAE 0W-20 — это специальное моторное масло, разработанное для современных высокопроизводительных автомобилей с низким уровнем выбросов и может использоваться как в SAE 0W-20, так и в SAE 5W-20. Это моторное масло особенно подходит для двигателей нового поколения ведущих японских производителей автомобилей (Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Mazda и др.). Перед использованием следуйте спецификациям и инструкциям производителя.
Технические характеристики/уровень производительности • ACEA C2 • API SN, SM/CF • FIAT 9.55535-DSX - уровень
0 pcs.

Синтетическое топливосберегающее моторное масло для автомобилей с системой нейтрализации отработавших газов и без нее. Синтетическое моторное масло для современных бензиновых и дизельных двигателей легковых автомобилей. Это идеальное сочетание высокой производительности и защиты окружающей среды. Из-за ужесточения норм выбросов повысились требования производителей двигателей к маслам с очень низкой вязкостью — и в то же время к постоянным или улучшенным смазывающим свойствам. Этот продукт обеспечивает пониженные значения трения, что обеспечивает улучшенную экономию топлива. Состав «Low SAPS» помогает снизить выбросы загрязняющих веществ, одновременно защищая двигатель и дизельные сажевые фильтры (DPF). Синтетические базовые масла, используемые в этом продукте, вместе с высококачественными присадками обеспечивают чрезвычайно долгий срок службы и надежность.
Характеристики и свойства • Улучшает работу двигателя и снижает расход топлива и выбросы. • Отличное состояние для холодного пуска даже при очень низких температурах. • Надежная смазка в любых условиях гарантирует высокую защиту от износа. • Высокая защита от окисления и отложений благодаря новейшим технологиям присадок.
Использовать SAE 0W-20 — это специальное моторное масло, разработанное для современных высокопроизводительных автомобилей с низким уровнем выбросов и может использоваться как в SAE 0W-20, так и в SAE 5W-20. Это моторное масло особенно подходит для двигателей нового поколения ведущих японских производителей автомобилей (Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Mazda и др.). Перед использованием следуйте спецификациям и инструкциям производителя.
Технические характеристики/уровень производительности • ACEA C2 • API SN, SM/CF • FIAT 9.55535-DSX - уровень
0 pcs.

High performance synthetic motor oil for four-stroke motorcycle engines This fully synthetic engine oil is specially formulated for the lubrication of 4-stroke motorcycle engines operating under high performance conditions and extreme temperatures. Contains high quality synthetic base oils and selected additives for maximum protection in all operating conditions. Characteristics and properties • Due to its versatile nature with a wide range of applications, this grease provides very good performance when starting a cold engine, while maintaining one-time protection and oil film retention at very high operating temperatures. • Top quality components provide excellent resistance to aging and oxidation • Due to its excellent washing and dispersing properties, it safely prevents the formation of deposits and ensures the cleanliness of the engine. • Suitable for wet clutches.
Use Fully synthetic, high-performance engine oil for the lubrication of 4-stroke motorcycle engines, especially recommended for use in high-performance engines operating at the highest speeds, extreme temperatures and high loads.
Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications / Performance level • API SM, SL, SJ, SH, SG • JASO MA2 / MA
0 pcs.

High performance synthetic motor oil for four-stroke motorcycle engines This fully synthetic engine oil is specially formulated for the lubrication of 4-stroke motorcycle engines operating under high performance conditions and extreme temperatures. Contains high quality synthetic base oils and selected additives for maximum protection in all operating conditions. Characteristics and properties • Due to its versatile nature with a wide range of applications, this grease provides very good performance when starting a cold engine, while maintaining one-time protection and oil film retention at very high operating temperatures. • Top quality components provide excellent resistance to aging and oxidation • Due to its excellent washing and dispersing properties, it safely prevents the formation of deposits and ensures the cleanliness of the engine. • Suitable for wet clutches.
Use Fully synthetic, high-performance engine oil for the lubrication of 4-stroke motorcycle engines, especially recommended for use in high-performance engines operating at the highest speeds, extreme temperatures and high loads.
Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications / Performance level • API SM, SL, SJ, SH, SG • JASO MA2 / MA
0 pcs.

High performance synthetic motor oil Fuel-efficient, high-tech engine oil developed according to the latest technologies. Developed with the latest additives in combination with high-performance synthetic components, this lubricant meets the most stringent requirements of ACEA standards for petrol and diesel passenger cars without a diesel soot filter (DPF). This engine oil, the most important feature of which is absolute stability in relation to the displacement, allows to increase the intervals between oil changes. Characteristics and properties • Exceeds the highest requirements of ACEA standards. • Special additives to increase the viscosity index provide this engine oil with absolute shear stability. • Reduces mechanical friction and reduces emissions by reducing fuel consumption. • Optimum performance for fast engine lubrication at low temperatures when starting the engine cold. • Best protection against wear in all operating conditions. • Improved engine cleanliness due to excellent cleaning and dispersing properties. • Reduced oil consumption due to low evaporation losses.
Use This high-performance engine oil is designed to meet the stringent requirements of various manufacturers and is therefore suitable for a wide range of applications. For use in low emission petrol engines. With or without turbocharger, with multi-valve technology as well as in passenger car diesel engines, including direct injection, with direct fuel injection (Common Rail) and turbocharger This product must not be used in diesel engines with a diesel soot filter (DPF). Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications / Performance level • ACEA A3 / B4 • API SN, SM / CF • MB 229.5, 226.5 • VW 502 00, 505 00 • Porsche A40 • GM-LL-A-025 / B-025 • Renault RN0700 / 0710 BMW LL-01 level • JASO MA2 level • PSA B71 2296 level • FIAT 9.55535-D2, G2, M2, N2, T2, Z2 level
0 pcs.

High performance synthetic motor oil Fuel-efficient, high-tech engine oil developed according to the latest technologies. Developed with the latest additives in combination with high-performance synthetic components, this lubricant meets the most stringent requirements of ACEA standards for petrol and diesel passenger cars without a diesel soot filter (DPF). This engine oil, the most important feature of which is absolute stability in relation to the displacement, allows to increase the intervals between oil changes. Characteristics and properties • Exceeds the highest requirements of ACEA standards. • Special additives to increase the viscosity index provide this engine oil with absolute shear stability. • Reduces mechanical friction and reduces emissions by reducing fuel consumption. • Optimum performance for fast engine lubrication at low temperatures when starting the engine cold. • Best protection against wear in all operating conditions. • Improved engine cleanliness due to excellent cleaning and dispersing properties. • Reduced oil consumption due to low evaporation losses.
Use This high-performance engine oil is designed to meet the stringent requirements of various manufacturers and is therefore suitable for a wide range of applications. For use in low emission petrol engines. With or without turbocharger, with multi-valve technology as well as in passenger car diesel engines, including direct injection, with direct fuel injection (Common Rail) and turbocharger This product must not be used in diesel engines with a diesel soot filter (DPF). Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use.
Specifications / Performance level • ACEA A3 / B4 • API SN, SM / CF • MB 229.5, 226.5 • VW 502 00, 505 00 • Porsche A40 • GM-LL-A-025 / B-025 • Renault RN0700 / 0710 BMW LL-01 level • JASO MA2 level • PSA B71 2296 level • FIAT 9.55535-D2, G2, M2, N2, T2, Z2 level
0 pcs.

Fully synthetic high performance engine oil for 4-stroke motorcycle engines This product is made of high-quality base oils and additives, guarantees very good stability in high temperature conditions, as well as optimal lubrication. Suitable for wet clutch. Characteristics and properties • Fully synthetic composition with particularly high resistance to oxidation. • Excellent engine and transmission wear protection. • High protection against sediment and black mud. • Optimal high temperature lubrication. • Reduced wear when starting a cold engine due to very good low temperature properties. • Suitable for wet clutches Use Fully synthetic high-performance lubricant, suitable for use in all air-cooled and water-cooled 4-stroke motorcycle engines, specially designed for optimal lubrication even at high loads. Follow the manufacturer's specifications and instructions before use. Specifications / Performance level • API SM, SL, SJ, SH, SG • JASO MA 2
0 pcs.
Transmisijas eļļa
Transmission oil Premium ATF DEXRON III 1
> 1 pcs.
Transmisijas eļļa
Transmission oil Premium 85W-90 GL5 1L
> 1 pcs.
Transmisijas eļļa
Transmission oil Premium 80W-90 GL4/-GL5 1L
> 1 pcs.
Transmisijas eļļa
Transmission oil Premium 75W-90 GL4/-GL5 LS 1 L
> 1 pcs.