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Jumta spoilers

An aerodynamic spoiler is installed to increase the functionality of the car and at the same time reduce the air pressure on the front of the body.
  Height can adapt to body height from 30 to 90 cm.
    Additionally, side deflectors on the right and left sides can be offered, which also improve the aerodynamics of the car.
     We offer to cars: Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer, Citroen Jumper, Mercedes Sprinter, Volkswagen Crafter, Renault Master or Opel Movano.

Stock: 0 pcs.


Price: 1585.00 €

Jumta spoilers

An aerodynamic spoiler is installed to increase the functionality of the car and at the same time reduce the air pressure on the front of the body.
  Height can adapt to body height from 30 to 90 cm.
    Additionally, side deflectors on the right and left sides can be offered, which also improve the aerodynamics of the car.
     We offer to cars: Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer, Citroen Jumper, Mercedes Sprinter, Volkswagen Crafter, Renault Master or Opel Movano.

Stock: 0 pcs.


Price: 972.00 €


Stock: 0 pcs.


Price: 47.00 €

Priekš.sānu spoileris

Prevents your vehicle’s sidewindow, sidedoor and mirror from getting dusty / dirty.
Custom made modern design, all mounting screws are hidden to back side.
Easy to mount.
Color: Volvo Winter white.
Can be easily painted in other color.
Made from double skin UV-proof ABS-PMMA.

Stock: 0 pcs.


Price: 120.00 €